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All hell breaking loose,.. crappy plugin devs | Forum

Tom Mar 23 '15
I'm so pissed off at this plugin developer....


The Forum post is edited by Tom Mar 23 '15
Bryce Foxdon
Bryce Foxdon Mar 23 '15
Im new to oxwall and from what i've been reading im not in any hurry to spend my communities funds on plugins that may or may not work, i've decided if there's something worth implementing on my site that I may as well spend the time developing the appropriate plugin myself.
The Forum post is edited by Bryce Foxdon Mar 23 '15
Yevhen Mar 23 '15
Same issue! Long time using oxwall software and now I have started to develop my own plugins specialy for my community!
dave Leader
dave Mar 28 '15
Not all developers are bad.  Actually oxwall has some really dedicated and wonderful developers and i agree the bad ones seem to overshadow this fact.   I agree seems like their support needs some tweeking, but there are ways to help clean up issues such as this.  If you are not getting satisfaction with a developer then report them to oxwall.  It helps us all to keep issues resolved and keep the developer standards high.  Reviews are good as well but are only a part of it. 
Tom Mar 29 '15
Not all are bad no,.. however this is one of the worst I've dealt with in regards to customer support. The sad part is the guy selling it I think isn't even the developer. 
Tom Apr 3 '15
Well I've sent a request for a status update to see if the software developer is going to fix this,.. I'll give them a week to post a finished WORKING product, if they don't I am going to be posting this plugin for free so someone else can get this working. This is something that this social networking site desperately needs to grow..
Maksim Apr 3 '15
OXWALL even worst when there is no music! 
Maksim Apr 3 '15
OXWALL even worst when there is no music!During the year some of the problem!No support !