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problem with message | Forum

gustavo Mar 27 '15

as I can solve the problem in the messages since I do not have any message and I keep coming 4 which do not exist sto happening to multiple users of my website

urgent help how to fix it

left image attached  

  mensajes.jpg (111Kb)
Heri Bender
Heri Bender Mar 29 '15
I have the same problem. The numbers appeared when I got the messages the first time, but never are set back to zero although the messages are already read.
gustavo Apr 12 '15

as I can solve the problem in the messages since I do not have any message and I keep coming 4 which do not exist sto happening to multiple users of my website

urgent help how to fix it

left image attached  

Steven Keenan
Steven Keenan Apr 12 '15
Having same issue, it has been showing 1 message but I have no messages, very annoying. Fix please 
Simik Apr 13 '15
This is a known bug... Hopefully it will be fixed in the release of 1.7.3 tomorow