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typeerror: element.input is null Signup form | Forum

Umair Mar 30 '15
When I try to create a test user from sign up form, it gives me following error "typeerror: element.input is null"
ross Team
ross Mar 30 '15
Share your URL, please
Umair Mar 30 '15
http://intl.byethost7.com/ It is on a free sub-domain. It is on testing stage.
ross Team
ross Mar 31 '15
What customization did you do on your website?

I see you have removed admin button from console

Your join page does not look like default one. 

Please revert the changes you did then we'll proceed. 

Umair Mar 31 '15
Umair Mar 31 '15
changes are reverted. Please check
ross Team
ross Mar 31 '15
Now you can see the user can register, please check. 
Umair Mar 31 '15
Great! Ross.

What was the problem?

I want to change the look of my join form, so it is important to know the problem. I am not a developer though.
ross Team
ross Mar 31 '15
Umair, I don't actually know, can you please provide step-by-step details and code you changed so I could tell you for sure. 
Umair Apr 1 '15
1. Commented out /*$event->addItem($item, 1);*/ , to hide Signup tab as well as admin tab, in console event handler.php
2. Modified Join_index.html. Bg image thing did not work though.

.ow_menu_wrap, .ow_main_menu {
display:none !important;
body {background-image: url('http://ugintl.byethost10.com/...es/theme_image_3.jpg');
  background-attachment: scroll;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  background-position: center top;
{block_decorator name="box" type="empty" addClass="ow_right"}

{if isset($notValidInviteCode)}

    {block_decorator name="box" type="empty" addClass="ow_center" style="padding:15px;"}

         {text key="base+join_not_valid_invite_code"}



    {if $step == 1}

        {block_decorator name="box" type="empty" addClass="ow_center" style="padding:15px;"}

            {text key="base+join_promo"}



    {block_decorator name='box' type='empty' iconClass='ow_ic_user' langLabel='base+join_form_title'}{/block_decorator}

    {form name=joinForm}

        <table class="ow_table_1 ow_form">

            {if $displayAccountType==true}

            {cycle assign='alt' values='ow_alt1,ow_alt2'}

            <tr class=" ow_tr_first ow_tr_last">

                <td class="{$alt} ow_label">

                    {label name='accountType'}


                <td class="{$alt} ow_value ow_center">

                    {input name='accountType'}

                    <div style="height:1px;"></div>

                    {error name='accountType'}


                <td class="{$alt} ow_desc">

                    {question_description_lang name="accountType"}



            <tr class="ow_tr_delimiter"><td></td></tr>


            {foreach from=$questionArray key='section' item='questions' name='section'}

                {if !empty($section) }<tr class="ow_tr_first"><th colspan="3">{text key="base+questions_section_`$section`_label"}</th></tr>{/if}

                {foreach from=$questions item='question' name='question'}

                    <tr class=" {if empty($section)}ow_tr_first{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.question.last && $question.name!='password'}ow_tr_last{/if}">

                        <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass)}{$question.trClass}{/if} ow_label">

                            {label name=$question.name}


                        <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass)}{$question.trClass}{/if} ow_value">

                            {input name=$question.name}

                            <div style="height:1px;"></div>

                            {error name=$question.name}


                        <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass)}{$question.trClass}{/if} ow_desc">

                            {question_description_lang name=$question.realName}



                    {if $question.name=='password'}

                        <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.question.last}ow_tr_last{/if}">

                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_label">

                                {label name='repeatPassword'}


                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_value">

                                {input name='repeatPassword'}

                                <div style="height:1px;"></div>

                                {error name='repeatPassword'}


                            <td class="{if !empty($question.trClass) && $question.trClass == 'ow_alt1'}ow_alt2{else}ow_alt1{/if} ow_desc">

                                {question_description_lang name='repeatPassword'}





                {if !empty($section)}<tr class="ow_tr_delimiter"><td></td></tr>{/if}


            {if $isLastStep}

                {if $display_photo}

                    <tr class="ow_tr_first"><th colspan="3">{text key="base+questions_section_user_photo_label"}</th></tr>

                    {cycle assign='alt' name=userPhoto values='ow_alt1,ow_alt2'}

                    <tr class=" ow_tr_last">

                        <td class="{$alt} ow_label">

                            {label name='userPhoto'}


                        <td class="{$alt} ow_value">

                            {input name='userPhoto'}

                            <div style="height:1px;"></div>

                            {error name='userPhoto'}


                        <td class="{$alt} ow_desc">

                            {question_description_lang name='user_photo'}



                    <tr class="ow_tr_delimiter"><td></td></tr>

                <tr class="ow_tr_delimiter"><td></td></tr>
<tr class=" ow_tr_last">

                        <td class="{$alt} ow_label">

                            {label name='termOfUse'}


                        <td class="{$alt} ow_value">

                            {input name='termOfUse'}

                            <div style="height:1px;"></div>

                            {error name='termOfUse'}


                        <td class="{$alt} ow_desc">






        <div class="clearfix">

           <div class="ow_center">

                {submit name='joinSubmit'}






I am not a developer. Sometimes i try myself and also look for new tricks on forums
ross Team
ross Apr 1 '15
To hide sign-up button on join page, apply this style:

.ow_console_item.ow_console_button{display: none}

in the CSS edit area, here: www.yoursite.com/admin/theme/css

As to your other requests please create a post in the custom code modifications, as we do not provide assistance on the code modifications

Umair Apr 1 '15
ok thanks. I am waiting for your reply regarding the problem with the join page