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So I was browsing around oxwall | Forum

Sean Apr 3 '15
Going through some of the first forum posts on the website because I was really bored and wanted to look around the history of oxwall and I found something interesting.

This forum post, and this one only seems to give out an error.


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/oxwallo/public_html/ow_libraries/jevix/jevix.class.php on line 322

Maybe someone managed to embed some code or something into the forum post?

Exploit testing?


The Forum post is edited by Sean Apr 3 '15
dave Leader
dave Apr 5 '15
If i remember correctly there was a fix for the jevix file and some instructions on how to do so, and yeah i am assuming someone may have embedded it somehow.  Good find :) im sure someone from the team might want to either remove the post or clean it up.  


Den Team
Den Apr 7 '15
Thanks for reporting guys, we will take a look into this :)