Can the plugin be updated so that it generates the username as "firstname.surname" with a digit added is it's a duplicate? Otherwise, it's going to be very confusing for people when they want to share their profile URL.
Can the plugin be updated so that it generates the username as "firstname.surname" with a digit added is it's a duplicate? Otherwise, it's going to be very confusing for people when they want to share their profile URL.
I know that something has to change here but what are the correct codes?
$user->username = "google_user_" . $user->id;
BOL_QuestionService::getInstance()->saveQuestionsData(array('realname' => $params['name']), $user->id);
BOL_AvatarService::getInstance()->setUserAvatar ($user->id, $params['picture']);
Surely in this line of code is an error - says "dublicate" and "duplicate"
case BOL_UserService::CREATE_USER_DUPLICATE_EMAIL: OW::getFeedback()->error($language->text('glconnect', 'join_dublicate_email_msg'));
I didn't know that my plug-in enjoys popularity therefore here long ago I didn't look. I will make changes in the following updating.
If a new user registers with the facebook connect plugin, their username will be something like john.smith. However, if that user logged in using your Google plugin, their username would be something like google_user_5.
If you could fix the issue, that would be awesome.