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Private Forums being displayed to guests in newsfeed | Forum

Mark Feb 20 '12
Ive set up a private forum and only the user roles listed can access it via the forums page, it does not show for guests for e.g.

however if i create a post in the private forum the content is displayed within the newsfeed to all users including guests, this means that they can read the content of the forum post as it displays an excerpt in the newsfeed activity, if they click it they get an access denied message but the newsfeed needs updating to support the private forums/groups feature
Mark Feb 20 '12
same goes for the latest forum posts widget, it display private content to you regardless of your user role.
Den Team
Den Feb 21 '12
Allowed to reproduced your report for the latest topics widget only, with 1.3.1

Would you provide us with screenshot of your private forum settings and newsfeed widget where you find an activity from private forum?

Mark Feb 21 '12
visit this page as a guest >  http://myteenblog.com/index
down left hand side towards the bottom

as a counter measure i have removed forum posts from being displayed in the newsfeed

forum settings are attached
Mark Feb 23 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 29 '12
Thanks for the report. Will see what can be done about this.
The Forum post is edited by Michael I. Feb 29 '12
Mark Apr 3 '12
update .........

this appears to have been fixed in the latest update :)