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How to set oxwall bar color | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 9 '15

I have successfully changed the buttons the "tabs" color on top of oxwall but the bar behind it is still the same color, is there a way to change this? As well the text for my buttons on the top is a little dark when mixed in with button color, and would like to change the button text color on top oxwall bar.

Kind Regards,

Bobby B
dave Leader
dave Apr 9 '15

Hi bobby, can you please share a screen shot of what you need so i can help you with your needs. 


Taissa Team
Taissa Apr 10 '15
Bobby Brown, please, don't duplicate your posts on the forum.
Check my answer here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/34486?page=1#post-141092. You have used the CSS code partly that is why the bar's background color did not changed.  

To change the items text color you may use this CSS code: .ow_site_panel .ow_console .ow_console_body .ow_console_item a { color:your color;  }
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 10 '15
Thank you and sure thing, Everything so far is working properly.
Maksim Apr 10 '15
Всем привет!Подскажите как это исправить!После изменения темы, Вы получите такой проблемой!?
  Screenshot_6.png (171Kb)
  Screenshot_5.png (121Kb)
Taissa Team
Taissa Apr 12 '15
Maksim, please this is English forum, use the English only. What exactly is not working?