$submit = new Submit('sendVerifyMail');
I want e second Form in email_verify_index.html for verifying mobile numbers!
this is my code for the second Form I defined in email_verify.php
$mobileVerifyForm = new Form('mobileVerifyForm');
$mobileHidden = new HiddenField('mobileHidden');
$mobile = new TextField('mobile');
$mobile->setLabel($language->text('base', 'questions_question_mobile_label'));
// $mobile->addValidator(new EmailVerifyValidator());
$questionData = BOL_QuestionService::getInstance()->getQuestionData(array( OW::getUser()->getId() ), array('mobile'));
$mobile_nr = $questionData[OW::getUser()->getId()]['mobile'];
$submit = new Submit('sendVerifyMail');
$submit->setValue($language->text('base', 'email_verify_send_verify_mail_button_label'));
and I brought it in the view, in email_verify_index.html - But now, in email_verify.php how can I see which Form has triggered the isPOST method?
Thank you for helping.
I love oxwall.org team they hav not blocked me for no reason since 5hours! new record!