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meta tags | Forum

Maksim Apr 11 '15
How to write meta tags in the pages and on the menu tabs? 
dave Leader
dave Apr 11 '15
Are you talking about the browser tabs?  

And are you asking for random meta tags for the site?

Maksim Apr 12 '15

Цитата от Дэйва ты говоришь о вкладках браузера?

И вы спрашиваете для случайных Мета теги для сайта?

Когда я создаю страницу в меню я знаю как писать Мета теги и тех, кто уже имеет такие, как видео,группы,страницы, пользователи, как писать Мета теги для поисковых роботов!?
  Screenshot_7.png (41Kb)
dave Leader
dave Apr 12 '15
i only speak and read english sorry, but i will look at your screenshot..   if you are going to post in non english then you need to use the international section of the forum please.  
Maksim Apr 12 '15
When I create a page in the menu I know how to write meta tags and those who already have such as videos,groups,pages, users how to write meta tags for search engine robots!? 
Maksim Apr 12 '15
dave Leader
dave Apr 12 '15
After looking at your screen shot, i think i remember they dont use that anymore, if i am correct the software stopped using meta tags for that purpose two+ versions ago.  (team please verify)  

If that is the case (after we get verified by the team here) then i do have some code you can add in order to show that, however remember that any change you make to the core will be removed whenever you update the script. 

Team should be back tomorrow and lets see what they say.  

Actually google no longer uses meta tags anymore that i know of. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 12 '15
Maksim Apr 12 '15
See there is a service to check on web sites meta tags I've highlighted they are missing!There is in Russian but I think you understand what I mean!? 
  Screenshot_8.png (66Kb)
Maksim Apr 12 '15
Google does not use but in Russia, mostly Yandex! 
dave Leader
dave Apr 12 '15
ok understood.  That is because oxwall from what i remember commented out their code for that so it does not show anymore. 

Do you want to try my special code, you will need to modify the core application file? If you are not comfortable with that i understand. 

Maksim Apr 12 '15
Yes!Let me try! 
dave Leader
dave Apr 12 '15
here is the old post, it does apply to an older version but i think you can do it, it will give you the needed info. 



page titles


remember this is just an old guide, current code may be alittle different and change at your own risk, but i use it still and it works for me on my site. 

hope that helps

Maksim Apr 12 '15
On your website what version? I have 1.7.2 ! 
dave Leader
dave Apr 12 '15
same here...  remember you will need to change the keywords in the code and description to your own site names, that was just an example 
Maksim Apr 12 '15
Спасибо!Я постараюсь написать результат!)
Maksim Apr 12 '15
dave Thank you!) 
dave Leader
dave Apr 12 '15
your very welcome... :)