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SetValue for DateField Form Element | Forum

Guna Apr 13 '15
I need to show the current date selected in the datefield  of form.

I tried the below code.

$currentDate = date(strtotime(time()));
$date = new DateField('date');







But When I see the form in the front end, The current date is not chosen.

How to do this? 

I think this is not a custom code modification. Moderators Please explain if you think this is a custom code modification.

The Forum post is edited by Guna Apr 13 '15
dave Leader
dave Apr 16 '15
$date = date("Ymd");
Guna Apr 21 '15
@dave. Thanks for the reply. But that didn't work for me.

The below code is worked fine for me.

$date_value = date('Y', date(strtotime($date_value->dob))) . '/' . date('n', date(strtotime($date_value->dob))) . '/' . date('j',date(strtotime($date_value->dob)));
$date = new DateField('date');$date ->setValue(date($date_value));
