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Oxwall great, BUT video upload plugin a problem | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Johann Maree
Johann Maree Apr 24 '15
I think oxwall rocks, but altough there is a number of plugins thay can include iframe and link video uploads, ALL it needs is a pluging that can combine those three types of video upload ... when and where will this ever be available ?

Great work so far !!
Taissa Team
Taissa Apr 29 '15
Johann Maree, presently you can upload video in several ways.
- using "Add new" button on the Video page and  embed existing videos from video sharing sites.
- Add video link to Newsfeed and the system will grab and show the video preview. But unfortunately not all video sharing sites allow to parse video to get the thumbnail. Presently this valid for the youtube and vimeo videos.

If you would like to suggest a kind of new feature for video plugin, feel free to submit your improvement at Oxwall uservoice: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall .  We use the uservoice platform with its voting system for proposed features, which lets us set priorities in the dev plan if the demand really exists - the bigger the score, the higher the priority.  The eventual decision will be made based on the number of votes a suggestion received, while other ideas are skipped for the time being, generating more traction with the community.
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
video uploader was the highest voted in usrvoice by a long way it had from memory over 900 votes but was removed from uservoice with quote theres already a video uploader  in store
but the one in store just does not work and has not worked and will never work as the dev was payed by a 3rd party to fix it and signed a contract stating he can never fix the plugin in store 
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '15
Maybe i should post some of the things i did to get mine to work the way i wanted it to.  Might help the situation. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 29 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
i had another play with it yesterday as its been over 12 months ago i give up on the plugin 
after the dev told me he just can not fix it 

in ten minutes of use it here a list issues i come up with 
n well just give up its just to stuffed up 
some these problems i can fix but theres jut to much i can not 

its sill better then meme photos plugin OMG 5 minutes play with it was list of over 50 huge problem who ever let it into the store should be ashamed 

1   in top rated video the thumbs dont show

2  have the video player size at px  make the player show up stupid on different screen sizes and should be 100% not px

3 it should not have how many videos per row as it inposable to set for different screen sizes, it should just be how many rows and should auto fit how many per row on container size

4  the video is not loaded in the player properly 
try and use the seek in the player and it reloads the video each time 
i dont know what u call it but its not like any other video player thats easy to use seek and does not reload the video

5 the mobile view page the player size is to big for screen size 

6 theres no image preview on the player

7 i think this is related to no 4 when try view on mobles the video takes 3 to 5 minutes before it starts to play 

8 video play page should have the menu in ti and not leave ppl in no mans land

9 the video thumb should be on the play page so if video is shared to say facebook it has a image to grab i dont know maybe if the player had the cover image it grab that 

10 oxwall social share buttons should be implemented on video view page 

11 if a user uploads a video and on it finish uploading on a lets say 50mb video 
they then have to wait 10 minutes for it to run through ffmpeg to grab the image 
if the user gets the shits at waiting and leaves the page the video ends up broken 
and you end up with heaps broken videos taking up lots of hard drive space 

14 if a few ppl at the same time upload videos all the videos crash that was being uploaded 
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '15
Yes those should be addressed, but most of those have nothing to do with it working or not working, they have to do with user preference which has nothing to do with working or not working.  When people say something does not work, i think ok its not uploading or its has error.  What your talking about mostly is user preference.   If the uploader upload videos then it works.  Maybe not to our liking, maybe not our preference and maybe we might think what a horrible uploader at times. However it does upload so it does work.  

I was surprised myself that if a video failed it left the old bad file in the directory i was also surprised that if you deleted a video it just deletes it from the db but not the directory.  So yes absolutely tammy i 100% agree with you that preferences and how we think of a video uploader should be improved such as not having a preview image.  

However i too have to be careful to not say it does not work because it does and trust me i have to catch myself sometimes lol :) 

tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
i did not include the big issues that he can not fix 
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '15
OH OK i know there are plenty but i just wanted it to upload vids and thats pretty much all i use it for and so i keep it simple and it seems to be ok.  But yeah it could be and should be sooooooo much better, agreed. .
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
12 months ago i and another person sent the dev so many fixes 
and to this day none have been implemented is they go against the contract he signed   
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '15
So basically your saying that he was paid by this third party to fix their copy (that third parties copy) but as part of that contract he was not to touch the store copy.  Is that correct?
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '15
If thats true then what he signed does not trump the store terms of service, the dev is still responsible for adhering to the store terms of use regardless if he signs anything or not, unless what he signed was from Oxwall.  But if its not from Oxwall then he still has to meet the store rules and if not then he is in direct violation of those rules. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
yes i have told hin that and moderators but nothing has ever been done about it 
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 29 '15
try and upload this mp4
you you will finds its a upload some video and play some video plugin 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Apr 29 '15
  Wildlife.zip (3165Kb)
Olivia Jul 23 '15
I absolutely agree with Tammy. I bought this plugin Video uploader too and it never worked, tested on 3 Oxwall sites. A really functional video upload plugin would be urgent to develop for Oxwall.