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How do you change menu icons? - Modern Concept | Forum

Commander Apr 25 '15
Hello there,

I can't seem to change the icons for custom pages in the menu.

How could I accomplish this?

Thank you.

Soundchum web solution
Hello dear,

it done with css code modificattion, this is the only way

Tracy Hunter
Tracy Hunter Apr 27 '15
Im reporting my other post here as I sent it on an older forum topic :)

I'm interested in some minor colour changes and the sign in page welcome text text changing. I managed to change it but it just went back to the original welcome :/ I've Sussed that I'm editing the wrong file or the cron changes it all back? Any idea which files to make changes permanent or could you give me a quote? Thank you. I love the visual modern design and the faultless stability. Both the sidebars are awesome to. A very very well designed theme :)))))

Tracy Hunter
Tracy Hunter Apr 27 '15
Soundchum web solution
i replied to the old topic,

once again, all colores and images change available in theme edit page in admin area

Tracy Hunter
Tracy Hunter Apr 27 '15
I sent you a PM :)
Tracy Hunter
Tracy Hunter Apr 27 '15
Email I mean lol
Soundchum web solution
replied  email sent to tracy
Abdias Apr 24 '16
Anyone seem to have issues with notification and opening message from the top bar on mobile devices ie iphones?
Soundchum web solution
Now you can change most of menu icons

we added it in admin panel

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