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Rely Need Help Sorting Out Errors On Mysite! | Forum

jeo Mar 2 '12
Please anyone i have been having this problems for so long now and still not sorted properly :( at first i had error 500 for weeks so i imported and old back up and lost loads of members and stuff to get it working again, but i been reading forums/blogs at oxwall to help sort this problems.

So today i downloaded the update pack and overited it in cpanel, then downloaded all the plugins up to date and overited them to to update all the software to make it work again.

So now i keep getting a new error saying bad request "Time out" how or what can i do now to sort this please?

Be very happy if you can help me do this :)
jeo Mar 2 '12
i fink i found out from all this time what could be coursing the problems, i think its my newsfeed plugin cause when i  define('OW_DEBUG_MODE false to true i got a error message i attached an screenshoot for you to have a look at! Also i tryed unstalling it but it dont seem to work :( how can i remove it or fix the error? thanks you

  error.png (86.4Kb)