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Huge error when attempting to install this plugin - Facebook Connect | Forum

Jazzer Nov 18 '10
Hello, when I attempt to install this plugin, I get a huge PDO SQL error.
Afterwards, the plugin appears to be installed and activated, but the strings are not working (all the frontend text shows as the string IDs instead of the literal strings), and I can not access/change the settings of the plugin.

When I try to go back to the installed page, I get this PHP error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getKey() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\oxwall\ow_system_plugins\admin\controllers\plugins.php on line 543

See attached image for the huge PDO error.

I have already tried redownloading and reinstalling this plugin.

I have tried one or two small changes to fix it, but to no avail.

Thanks for the help.
  oxwallerror.png (28.63Kb)
Dani Dec 24 '10
Any solution?
Den Team
Den Feb 8 '12
Yes, it was already fixed.
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