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range prices to buy are very expensive all - Private Albums | Forum

Aprillos Jun 3 '15
range prices to buy are very expensive all
Mike Jun 3 '15

Hey Aprillos,

I invested a lot of time in this plugin and I think my customers get a good support.

so I don't it's to expensive.


Aprillos Jun 3 '15
yes but that with such values while few would buy half price Almost
Mike Jun 3 '15

please dont discusse with me about the price.
I think ist not too expensive and wont reduce it.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 4 '15
Prices of plugins are relative to functionality and need. $30 for this plugin and some others isn't bad considering the complexity of the features.  I didn't think twice about it because I needed, and wanted this kind of feature. Mike is correct in his involvement supporting this plugin,  and continues to make improvements.  His end goal is flawless operation. He and others have a technical skill that most of us don't possess, so we are glad to have devs like him making nice features available. 
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