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Site slow on client side | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Simone Jun 4 '15
when an user have a lot of friends, I noticed a slow loading page on a low generation device (smartphone, netbook).
pages loads fast but some elements (posting status on newsfeed, messages,etc) are not usable before of 15seconds of every page reloads.
I think it is the message plugin because if I disable it my site loads very fast.
I updated to the last version but I have the same problem. I think it's a side client javascript code that requires a lot of memory and CPU to load for messages preview.
have other users the same problem? 

I won't use mobile version...
thank you

Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 4 '15
Simone, please take a look at this theme: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/29251 .
Simone Jun 4 '15

Quote from Taissa Simone, please take a look at this theme: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/29251 .
Hi Taissa, 

thank you for you reply but this is not my case.

With the same account that have 900 friends, on a normal desktop pc , site goes well (so it is not a vps problem).

With a netbook page will load fast but some elements (i think that use javascript) are not usable for a long time.

For example:


- Desktop pc:

* time to load page: 2sec

* time that i'm able to push friend request bottom: no delay

- Notebook pc: 2sec* time to load page:* time that i'm able to push friend request bottom: 3 sec of delay

- Tablet: * time to load page: 5 sec* time that i'm able to push friend request bottom: 8 sec of delay

- Smartphone:* time to load page: 10 sec* time that i'm able to push friend request bottom: 30 sec of delay

So I think it's ad javascript problem...have any other users this problem?

Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 9 '15
Simone, we have a mobile version designed specifically for mobile browsers so we do not support desktop version on mobile devices. But in spite of this I've tested the friend request sending functionality on Demo. I've used the desktop version on mobile device and discovered that time to load user profile page is about 3 sec and is about 2 sec to send a friends request.
Did you test our Demo site?