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Red5 server | Forum

Pat Jun 5 '15
Who can tell me or take Rayzz file to the intallation of Red5 server.
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 8 '15
Pat, could you specify please how the Rayzz is related with the Oxwall software ?  We can provide you instructions only for Oxwall software.
Pat Jun 10 '15
I need to know how integrated the Red5 server can video chat or someone I do it for me!
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 10 '15
Pat, the Red5 server it's not our software.
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 10 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 10 '15
rayzzz uses adobe Cirrus 

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jun 10 '15
Pat Jun 10 '15
another question how to give members access to youtube options and that it is their admin of their room.
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 10 '15
and you was answer here by the dev