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I am getting this error when trying to view Friends in my profile | Forum

O3wall Mar 10 '12
1. I am getting this error when trying to view fall friends in my profile Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in /home/o3wall/public_html/ow_plugins/friends/controllers/list.php on line 194

2. and  my profile page is also not available 

I have attached images to related those errors 

Can you please give me any possible solution?

The Forum post is edited by O3wall Mar 10 '12
  Fatal error Fatal Error1.PNG (48.36Kb)
  Fatal error 2.PNG (271.7Kb)
O3wall Mar 13 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 20 '12
What build are you using? According to the screenshot, the username in URL should not have any + symbols dividing it to two parts. Did you modify the code?