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Anyone customizing their own theme's | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Reddemon Aug 10 '10
I was wandering if anyone has attempted to make their own theme yet. The customizing of the themes that are available is really limited and I would like to try more. I was hoping for the themes to be more customizable (using CSS) like Ning was. I have been picking apart the CSS and looking through the themes given and cannot seem to figure out where to start any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
The Forum post is edited by Reddemon Aug 10 '10
Den Team
Den Aug 11 '10
You can simply customize your theme via CSS in Admin Panel -> Appearance -> Edit Theme -> CSS .

Also, currently, we are preparing manual for theme developers, which will be available on http://docs.oxwall.org
Ashok Leader
Ashok Sep 22 '10

I will be waiting...
The Forum post is edited by Ashok Sep 24 '10
Byron Nov 12 '10
Hi I am looking for someone to help me with Edit Theme you may watch need no registration www.guapan.us
Den Team
Den Nov 15 '10
Please, try to search developers on our Market Place
Sprintally® Sep 4 '14
user : demo 

pass : demo