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Site won't load on mobile[Solved] | Forum

Elizabeth Jun 25 '15
I could only find one other person with this issue so it seems uncommon. My site seems to be working fine overall but I just get a white screen when I try it on a mobile. The other person's seemed to be a plugin issue but I deactivated all but the core plugins and it didn't help. I switched themes and still a white screen, so doesn't seem to be a theme issue. I went through all the settings and can't find anything I may have overlooked. Anyone have any ideas?

The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 28 '15
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Jun 25 '15
Hello Elizabeth,

Please provide your site's url and have you tried switching to oxwall's default theme(Origin)?

The Forum post is edited by Durlabh Ashok Jun 25 '15
Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
Thanks. It's (edited out). I switched it back to the default theme, disabled plugins, restored debug/dev mode to false, etc. I'm out of ideas. As I said, it's all working fine and if you grab the screen and reduce it, the twitox theme I'm using resizes to mobile just fine. I just can't get it to appear when I click on Mobile Version. All I get is the blank screen.

Any help is much appreciated. :)
The Forum post is edited by Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
So this is making no sense. Here's what I've done so far:

1. reverted to original theme - everything works fine on desktop
2. disabled EVERY plugin
3. checked every possible setting
4. even put up maintenance page to see if I could get that - still a blank screen

I'm basically down to the core theme and no plugins and I still can't get the mobile screen to work. Tried it on a few devices just in case it was the phone/OS.

Anyone have any ideas?

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Jun 26 '15
I cant access your site, your maintenance is on ,switch it off so that I can try to identify the problem which is causing blank screen!

Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
Thanks. Yeah, was seeing if I could get a page to appear in maintenance mode but still nothing but the WSOD.

thanks :)
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Jun 26 '15
There are many things that might have caused that error, So first you must backup your entire site before proceeding into troubleshooting; its important!

I think your theme has been somehow corrupted, so download a new one from oxwall store and upload it to your site and  tell me whats happens.

Note: If you have  made any changes/modifications in the oxwall's files then you should list them. 

Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
As I stated, I tried several themes. None of them worked. I don't think it's the theme. And it's not the plugins. All are disabled.
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Jun 26 '15
Have you tried uploading a fresh theme from oxwall store? because every theme thats support mobile viewing on oxwall contain mobile folder and if somethings is wrong with it then you might get errors...

And whats your oxwall platform version?

Elizabeth Jun 26 '15

I'll try a new one but I just installed everything about a week ago so it's all very fresh. I bought the twitox theme and it's not working on any theme.

bobbi Jun 26 '15
have you tried running debug mode to see if there are any errors
or firebug
Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
yeah, was working in debug mode. all I'm getting is the WSOD. so bizarre as everything else works fine and it seems no one else has this problem.
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Jun 26 '15
Twitox theme is not listed compatible with oxwall version 1.7.4, So I think this theme is causing problems...
Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
no, as I keep saying, I've tried it with 4 different themes. I even wiped out the default theme and reinstalled and same problem. it's not a theme issue or a plugin issue.

bobbi Jun 26 '15
i run firefox firebug your mobile version is showing a server error 500

Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
thanks Bobbi. any ideas how to fix it? this is out of my area of expertise.
bobbi Jun 26 '15
all i can suggest is to run debug mode  to show the error put your site in mobile version on your computer then run debug mode refresh your site and any errors should show

after you have done this you may have to clear your browsers cache/cookies so you can see your site in desktop mode again

Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
okay, thanks. but I did have debug mode and dev mode set as true and nothing was coming up. let me play around with it. thanks for identifying where the problem might be. I was out of ideas. :)
bobbi Jun 26 '15
only set debug to  true not dev mode leave dev mode false :)
The Forum post is edited by bobbi Jun 26 '15
Elizabeth Jun 26 '15
okay, again, thanks :) I usually work in WordPress so still learning stuff
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