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mobile version | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
sagar Jun 25 '15

i want to change mobile theme colour can you please assist me fast


James Geddes
James Geddes Jun 26 '15
Don't bother.

The "mobile version" that comes with oxwall is utterly pointless right now. Not only is it an entirely separate version site (hence the name) that you need to maintain separately, but also it does not provide the vast majority of the functionality that the desktop version has. There's even a banner on the mobile version of oxwall.org explaining this;

By the way, you cannot use forums, messages or pretty much anything else in the mobile version. I'm not sure why they have said that one can in that banner.

I would strongly recommend turning off the mobile version entirely, via

[your site]/admin/mobile/settings

To make your site mobile friendly, you need to use a responsive theme. This is one that has been specifically designed to be compatible with any screen size and to re-position items accordingly. You can find a lot of different options on the oxwall store.

The Forum post is edited by James Geddes Jun 26 '15
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 30 '15
Sagar, the mobile css is located in the ow_themes/yourtheme/mobile/base.css file. You can inspect element with Firebug and change necessary classes.
For example to change mobile version background colour find lines:
html, body {
    width: 100%;
    overflow-x: hidden;

and change value for "background"

After changing the code make sure you've cleared browser and site cache. To clear site's cache enable DEV_MODE. Follow the instructions: https://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug .
Note: that you need to remember the changes you made because as you do them in the file directly, they'll be overwritten while next update of the software.
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 30 '15
James, as far as I know Forum will be added to the mobile version in next release. And presently there is no problem to use messages in mobile version.