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any one know the correct way to use cloudflare flexible ssl with oxwall? | Forum

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JoshWho Jun 26 '15
I cant figure out why when i use flexible ssl it make my site go into a redirect loop.

is there any work around to this?

If it helps when it does try to load it with ssl it tries to load  index.php for some reason.

or how can i make it to where a person can choose http or https by choice.  It seems so far when changing the config to https for my url  it causes a redirect loop.

But when I change the config back to http my ssl works fine but no css loads or any template related stuff but works fine when browsing http.

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Jun 26 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 26 '15
before you go to far with cloadflare do some test 
as its not good and slows your site loading down 

i tested my site speed 5 times a day for a week 
average load time 
none logged in user 4 seconds
logged in user    8 secoands

enable cloudflare with all the bells and whistles going 
i then waited few days for it to cache everything

then retested it 

and it over doubled my load times 
cloudflare on 
test site speed 5 times a day for a week
none logged in user   10 seconds
logged in user
20 seconds 

so unless your on a very slow shared server i would not go anywhere near cloudflare

JoshWho Jun 26 '15
I just want to use there ssl. I do not use any cache with cloudflare .  I more or less just use them as a proxy. I figured out cloudflare's features like cache and minify and rocket loader all makes my site slow. 

I did the same test and totally agree about the speed difference. It also caused a lot of java errors.

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 26 '15
why stuff around then 
even if u get it working it more then liklt slow ur site down

a ssl is like 5$
JoshWho Jun 27 '15
I have ssl Certificates I just dont want my servers ip exposed to public
SongPhi Jun 27 '15

Edit ow_includes/configs.php

change your OW_URL_HOME -> ....

Edit ow_core/application.php

Remove or comment out the line 264: $this->httpVsHttpsRedirect();

See https://owdemo.songphi.com

JoshWho Jun 27 '15
Thank you. that stopped the redirect loop.

Now i have to figure out what needs changed in theme to make the lock full secured green

is there a easy way to make all links use https or is this something i have to  manually edit all over? 

SongPhi Jun 27 '15

Im gonna make SimpleSEO has the option to do the dirty work of ensuring every link is https compatible.

So how it would work. There are many thirdparty site out there isn't https ready. That make the jobs seemingly impossible to get it done, but we have to try first before giving up, right ;) Example on how it works

There are links on my site look like:

It's from vidzi.tv, and vidzi doesn't have a https website.

The plugin will scan the page content before render looking for <img src="http://some-site.com/some-img.jpg"> change the url into something like "https://yoursite.com/...ite.com/some-img.jpg". The remoteimg controller/action will fetch remote unsecured content and served it under your secured site url. Sound good right? Not that easy, that only works for images, I don't even have a solution for unsecured iframe content yet, but still we try, once day maybe we will get there. And by the way, I can't afford to to give away next version of SimpleSEO for free, but dont worry it's gonna be around 5-10 ;)

The Forum post is edited by SongPhi Jun 27 '15
JoshWho Jun 27 '15
sounds good to me. Can't wait lol :)  I will buy it.

Im fine with it just doing images. Thats the main issue I have.

Frames wouldnt be to hard to go through manually. my biggest issue was the images from old stuff posted and css stuff.

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Jun 27 '15
JoshWho Jun 27 '15
For some reason when i enable the https   and also change my amazon bucket to https the mobile version doesnt load any css or template any more.

The site its self works fine just mobile version doesnt work.

Is there something i can change to tell the mobile version to read from https?

JoshWho Jun 28 '15
Never mind im going to just wait for your plugin to come out. Sounds a lot more better than what im doing right now. I would hate to edit everything and then a new update of oxwall comes out and would have to do it all over again.
James Geddes
James Geddes Jun 29 '15
The community at Geek.Zone has also requested SSL so we'll be getting your plugin once it's out, Song! Please make it as free as possible!
Felipe Feb 19 '16

Quote from SongPhi

Edit ow_includes/configs.php

change your OW_URL_HOME -> ....

Edit ow_core/application.php

Remove or comment out the line 264: $this->httpVsHttpsRedirect();

See https://owdemo.songphi.com

It works!