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Disable mobile version by default but keep it available | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Jordi Jun 26 '15

I want to turn off the mobile version by default but want it to have it available for users by the yoursite.com/mobile-version link or even better by yoursite.com/mob

Who can help me with this?



James Geddes
James Geddes Jun 26 '15
responded to a post earlier today about the mobile version, take a look at my answer there.

In short, don't use the mobile version. What. So. Ever.

The Forum post is edited by James Geddes Jun 26 '15
Jordi Jun 27 '15
i know its not the best... but for slow connections is it a good option to stay in touch..

so i want to keep it as a option.

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 27 '15
i have thought of this few times but do not know how it could be done 

it would be awesome to have this
Jordi Jun 27 '15
James Geddes
James Geddes Jun 29 '15
I don't think that the mobile version is good for anything. It does not have any of the functionality that the desktop site has - so you cannot stay in touch with others through it - and you have to make duplicate pages which have a different URL. Seriously dude, use a responsive theme.
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 29 '15
Jordi, you cannot separate mobile from core this is not possible as they work as whole.
Jordi Jun 29 '15
what do you mean with separate?  i just want it as normal with mobile site on. but then the desktop site as default So the users can go to the mobile site from the footer.

James Geddes
James Geddes Jun 29 '15
That's what the stock mobile version does anyway, though seriously I'd say there's no point. Turn off the mobile version and use a responsive theme instead. It is no different for slow connections and provides all the functionality that you need.
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 29 '15
Jordi, there is no special folder or sub-domain for mobile version. The system has another logic and works by using redirect functionality. That is why when you disable mobile ver.  you can not use a separate link and switch to mobile version in such way because you have completely disabled it in Admin Area.
Jordi Jun 30 '15

Thanks Taissa