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unable to see arrowchat in 1.3.2 - ArrowChat | Forum

Joseph Apr 2 '12
the update today has caused my arrowchat to become invisible to all users outside the admin panel it only works from admin panel
ArrowSuites Apr 4 '12
We'll look into the issues with 1.3.2 and update ASAP, thank you!
ArrowSuites Apr 4 '12
I just verified that it is working with 1.3.2.  There is probably something else going on with your install.  Can I get a site URL and test login account?
Damian Apr 9 '12
How to update to 1.3.2 
Crystal Apr 13 '12
I am getting these errors which I think are for arrowchat

OW Debug - WarningMessage:include(/home/one44/public_html/ow_plugins/statusupdate/init.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directoryFile:/home/one44/public_html/ow_core/plugin_manager.phpLine:103OW Debug - WarningMessage:include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/one44/public_html/ow_plugins/statusupdate/init.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php')File:/home/one44/public_html/ow_core/plugin_manager.phpLine:103

Crystal Apr 15 '12
any help??????
ArrowSuites Apr 15 '12
That error is unrelated to ArrowChat.

However, you can PM your site URL and a test login account if ArrowChat isn't showing up so that I can figure out the problem.

Joseph Apr 16 '12
the arowchat works with themes that do not have sidebar ads active this is not a arrowchat issue it is actually seems to be an issue of either the java or the ads plugin (new or older) since the update I am returning my site to the old version until all issues are fixed
Crystal Apr 16 '12
i have tried and tried and cannot get arrowchat to work after upgrade.
Crystal Apr 16 '12
these are errors

Message:Undefined variable: filename2File:/home/one44/public_html/ow_plugins/arrowchat/cache/data_admin_options.phpLine:5OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Undefined variable: rowFile:/home/one44/public_html/ow_plugins/arrowchat/admin/includes/functions_login.phpLine:21

Joseph Apr 19 '12
the error is caused by having javascript such as advertisements from google or other ad companies etc in your sidebar so if you cannot see arrowchat on your site but can see it in the admin area and you have a sidebar theme please check everything there 
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 19 '12
I can confirm that a sidebar themed site will kill arrowchat along with some other functionality.  This error is most likely bigger than Arrowchat.
ArrowSuites Apr 20 '12
Thanks for the sidebar problem report.  I'll check into it and see if this is caused by ArrowChat.
Joseph Apr 21 '12
its def not caused by arrowchat the error occurred after I uninstalled the arrowchat it disables anything java related when you have java in your sidebar
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