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site freezes up for a lot of people since 1.3.2 update | Forum

Joseph Apr 3 '12
as the title says people are complaining about our sites freezing up since the update I waited to update my last site until 20 minutes ago and as soon as I did my admins and regular users started telling me the site freezes up all the sudden
Christian Apr 3 '12
im having the same problem it freezes and crashes regularly on my members l have had to put up my splash page because im getting too many complaints and people will start leaving, but its like im searching fro answers to problems but all im seeing is people posting problems but no real response from oxwall team

lots of links not working on the site aswell but these are problems that should of been spotted in the beta testing the upgrade or certain plugins dont work and the star rating dont work either but then there has been no upgrade to those plugins the news feed has too many glitches 

Christian Apr 3 '12
and also why have oxwall made the oxwall software link pop up in that manner it makes the site look cheap and un professional 

Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 8 '12
Ok, what browser do your members use? What about server error logs? Did you check them for errors? Is there any particular way of reproducing the issue?