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Error in Cron - OxArt Speed Optimizer | Forum

JoshWho Jul 17 '15
Im showing a error displaying

/var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/buddylist_cf/ow_plugins/oaboost/classes/S3.php on line 2361

In my cron

Sardar Jul 21 '15

It's very strange, S3.php is the lib to communicate with Amazon S3 clouds. Moreover line 2361 doesn't contain any instructions. Can you please provide the error string?

JoshWho Jul 21 '15
that is the error string. That is all it says.  Have you tested with with amazon s3 services because I am using that.
JoshWho Jul 27 '15
anything?? How can i resolve this?
Tecca Nov 17 '15
I get the same error sending every minute with the cron.

PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class S3Exception in /var/www/website.com/public_html/ow_plugins/oaboost/classes/S3.php on line 2361

The Forum post is edited by Tecca Nov 17 '15
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