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Blogger Importer | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I did a search in the forums to find whether there are any plugins or discussion related to moving a blogger/blogspot website to oxwall.

Moving just the posts will be enough.

Any ideas or suggestions to accomplish this?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Or even any other famous blog importer will be fine. I can convert my blogger file to that format..

I have manged to parse the blogger XML export file. But what I wish to know is that how this extracted details(title and content) can be imported to oxwall blog database?

Please advice on the table to be used to insert this data to oxwall. Is there any API for the same.
The Forum post is edited by Purusothaman Ramanujam Apr 4 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Any updates on this please.

Looking forward for details to complete my first oxwall plugin.
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad Apr 5 '12
there is no possibility to move data from Blogger to Oxwall,

you have to do it manually by copy-paste
Purusothaman Ramanujam

It is possible. I have created a proof of concept and it worked. I was able to move the code from blogger to oxwall blog with just 50 lines of php code.

I am now trying to make it as a plugin for the use of community. I just posted a question on this to the plugin development forum here.
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad Apr 5 '12
good job

develop them, make oxwall be the best ..

(Import post, with RSS :p)
The Forum post is edited by Adhy Musaad Apr 5 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks for your encouragement mate.

I am stuck with the plugin development as this is my first day with oxwall. :)  :(
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad Apr 5 '12
Oxwall very interesting, and very good

I hope you can-create the plugin notice, and it was very enjoyable for all users oxwal
Purusothaman Ramanujam
First someone help me to create a basic plugin. Please refer to the "plugin" category for my query.

Thanks in advance.
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad Apr 5 '12
I will try it
Purusothaman Ramanujam
This plugin completed with the minimum required features.

I did not get any help from this forum. It's sad that no one is willing to help.

I have plans to create more plugins. Please help me in the future.
Michael I.
Michael I. May 7 '12
You did not receive any help mostly because you should have created this topic in Development > Plugins section of forum.

And congrats with your first plugin.

The Forum post is edited by Michael I. May 7 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks. By this time my second plugin is also out in the store. :)

Even the topics in Development > Plugins section were not answered. Anyhow thanks for all your help.
Michael I.
Michael I. May 14 '12
You're welcome. Mostly the problem is that Oxwall community doesn't have as many developers in it as we would like to have. But it's a temporary problem as community is constantly growing and developers like you are contributing their improvements for the Oxwall.