span.unregister_profile_button .ow_ic_delete{
display: none!important;
in order to stop them from deleting their account you can either find a plugin to do so or you will need to edit the core php file to modify the process when they type that link. When you edit the core and there is an update it will take away your changes.
You have to wrap the currrent process in an if statment to check if admin or not.
Here is the whole edited code starting at line 57 (replacing the old code) all the way down to the end of the page
if ( OW::getRequest()->isPost() && !(OW::getRequest()->isAjax()) )
//added by dave no delete mod
if( OW::getUser()->isAdmin() )
if ( isset( $_POST['delete_user_button'] ) )
BOL_UserService::getInstance()->deleteUser($userId, true);
$this->redirect( OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('base_index') );
//take them right back to the edit page
$this->redirect( OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('base_edit') );
}//close else if admin delete mod
if ( isset( $_POST['cansel_button'] ) )
$this->redirect( OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('base_edit') );