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Roderick developer is a thieve | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
jeanpaul Jul 29 '15
I bought 7 mo the ago a flag plugin from this developer called roderick , the plugin never worked and developer never replied to my query and problems . 

7 months down the line he decided to reply to me saying:

Oh the plugin now is working .and I said who cares I purchased a plying that was working 

After finding out that your wasn't working and  yoir customer support its non existing.  

I request my money back my he refuse .

This developer should be control by tye market place 

anyone that can help


tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 29 '15
yes roderick is a bit slow at update his plugins  the flag plugin is one that i dont have many problems with 
music extreme i have had nothing but trouble from the day i bought it and have not even used it one day since i bought it 2 years ago 

sadly its how oxwall is structured it lets developers put plugins in the store for sale 
that dont work 

jeanpaul Jul 29 '15
This 7 professional developers should be kicked out, and Is ridículos that doesn't refund a pour service . H3 can sell things that don't work and keep he money ..

Den Team
Den Jul 31 '15

It has been discussed here many times here:

- first, leave you feedback (positive/negative) with the item via rating option

- make sure the item has a refund policy. Usually it is defined in item's TOS, which is available before the purchase on item's store page

- ask for refund if acceptable

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