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How would I move the registration? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Melissa Apr 7 '12

If you look at the front page, you'll see how I have the text and image, I need for the registration area to be on the right side of it all. How is this even possible? What file do I need to edit? I would think I have most of what I needed done, done on the front. Just need to align the registration with the text and put it on the right instead of in the center.

Oh and how can I remove the "Sign in with" area? It's in the top I don't need it on the front page as well.

The Forum post is edited by Melissa Apr 7 '12
Melissa Apr 9 '12
Jho Apr 9 '12
same problem here :)
Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 10 '12
Topic was moved from General Questions.