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CSS changes in admin not appearing sometimes | Forum

Elizabeth Aug 19 '15
I've recoded a lot of my theme to customize the colors. I've been changing them in the admin panel and it's supposed to override the original CSS file.

Most of the time, all the changes appear, but sometimes on the desktop and even the mobile responsive, the original colors appear so it's blue instead of orange and looks funny, obviously. When you refresh, it fixes itself. But I really don't want my site changing colors.

To ensure this, I'll likely have to replace the code in the original CSS file unless someone knows a better fix?

ross Team
ross Aug 19 '15
Share your URL please and provide screenshot of the places where you see those changes of the color, so we could check it on your live website as we cannot reproduce the issue on our side. 

Also try to clear your browser cache, if you use any kind of caching system on your server or caching plugin on the website, please purge the cache and see if the issue persists.