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Reduce query number | Forum

Couto Aug 26 '15

Is there a way to reduce the number of querys on the oxwall script?

I receive this error:

SQLSTATE[42000] [1226] User 'romandie' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 75000)

The server provider doesn't support more than that, I asked them to increase the value and they won't do...

ross Team
ross Aug 26 '15
The only way to reduce the number of queries is to optimize current queries and for example, combine several into one. But you will need to do that on your own. As we do not provide such instructions. 

In your case you need to increase this amount. 0 - means unlimited db connections. If hosts declines to do that, you need to switch providers and obtain hosting plan where you'll be able to change configurations of the apache, php and mysql

ross Team
ross Aug 26 '15
Couto Aug 26 '15

Thank you for your answer, the server do not provide more than the 75000 limit.

Is there other way to solve that, I already activated the query caching and it stills the same, I created some new users on database with the same result.

ross Team
ross Aug 26 '15
You have two options optimize the software or move to another server. 
Couto Aug 26 '15
I have paid to increase the limit to 150000... The problem persists

Any idea? Thanks in advance

ross Team
ross Aug 27 '15
Cuoto, does that user romandie belong to one database or several? do you have any other software installed on your server besides Oxwall?
Couto Aug 27 '15
Yes, I have another oxwall website and other to
Couto Aug 28 '15

This what the page supports write

It appears that the scripts related to your website's plugins/theme/widgets are not closing the MySQL connection after accessing the database and thus causing the query limit to exceed. Unfortunately, we can't say which exact scripts are causing the issue. Please contact your website developer and have them make sure that the scripts of your website's plugins/themes/widgets close the MySQL connection properly and are optimized so that they don't cause the query limits to be exceeded. 

Couto Aug 28 '15
I have the follow plugins intalled:

*0xard speed optimizer

The developer says that this plugin caches up to 30% of database queries within predefined lifetime.

*Anti brute force


*Activity notifications

*Cron test

*Cache extreme

*Contact us




*Go top

*Gelocation IPs database

Needed to make the Advertisement plugin works


*Image slideshow




*Profile snippets

*Private albums


*Profile progress bar



*User IP Tracker

*User add


*Virtual gifts

*Who viewed me


Do you know some issue in some of this plugins?

Thanks in advance

ross Team
ross Aug 30 '15
As the majority from your list are third party plugins, we can't tell you for sure which one exactly might cause that, you need to disable them one by one and see if the issue persists.You can start with those plugins which create widgets first. Keep us updated. 

Couto Sep 1 '15
There are the error details#0 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/database.php(253): OW_Database->__construct(Array) #1 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/ow.php(230): OW_Database::getInstance(Array) #2 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/base_dao.php(47): OW::getDbo() #3 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/config_dao.php(66): OW_BaseDao->__construct() #4 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/config_dao.php(55): BOL_ConfigDao->__construct() #5 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/config_service.php(63): BOL_ConfigDao::getInstance() #6 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/config_service.php(52): BOL_ConfigService->__construct() #7 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/config.php(48): BOL_ConfigService::getInstance() #8 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/config.php(68): OW_Config->__construct() #9 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/ow.php(167): OW_Config::getInstance() #10 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/ow.php(100): OW::getConfig() #11 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/ow_core/ow.php(145): OW::detectContext() #12 /hermes/bosoraweb120/b476/ipg.sexxcouplecom/romandie/public_html/index.php(44): OW::getApplication() #13 {main}
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '15
Please provide the whole error as the beginning most probably is missing. 
Couto Sep 4 '15
I didn't get the error again, after increase the query limit to 150000 I only had that problem once

Couto Sep 5 '15
I solved my problem changing the host provider for Arvixe, I have 150 customers in the first 4 days, with this host everything works fine.

It have made a research and it seems that the last version reach easily the 150000 queries hour.

ross Team
ross Sep 6 '15
Alright, thanks for letting us know. By the way, which hosting provider you used before Arvixe?
Couto Sep 7 '15
ipage highly discouraged

I first ask them to increase the query limits I have paid for that.

After that wont work I have changed for a VPS server that never worked, the answer from their support it was that the Oxwall system is not compatible with their VPS servers.

After that I have back to the shared server and I have tried to optimize the database, until that I have asked them to mask my redirection (we don't have access to cPanel on their shared server) they have touched some file and screw the website who won't worked again...

I have wait 20h!!! for their specialists to fix the problem. 

After does 20h I have decided to upload my backup to Arvixe servers and in less than 2 hours my website was online and working fine!!! 

The Ipage specialists still trying to fix the issue, until now, the website still not working on their server after 2 days!!!

This is a warning for everyone who want's to run an Oxwall or similar website, do not chose Ipage as host provider.

I have tried Dolphin on their server and they don't have the latest PHP version installed yet. 

I have tried the same Dolphin in a FREE provider and it worked

My website on Arvixe: Onbaise.ch working fine in less than twho hours

If you want to check the same website on Ipage, the website they screw trying to mask the domain http://sexxcouplecom.ipage.com/romandie/public_html ;

I'm sharing this experience to warning you before you chose your host provider.

The Forum post is edited by Couto Sep 9 '15