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Is they away to make a rss page? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
jeo Apr 18 '12
can anyone tell me is they away to create a new page so it just show all my rss feeds init like a news page?

Thank you
Michael I.
Michael I. May 7 '12
Do you want to display RSS feeds from another website? Do you need assistance with creating a new page?
jeo May 7 '12
just need to now how to only show rss feeds on a new page?
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Are you saying something similar to this?


This plugin gets the contents from RSS feeds and displays in a new page.
Michael I.
Michael I. May 14 '12
You can create a new page and add code that would display RSS feeds there.
Neil Aug 9 '12

i have just purchased your plugin for the RSS feed from your website, i wanted to put the feeds in the news but i am getting a load of news from other sites, i dont seem to see where the feeds are coming from, could you help me?

Purusothaman Ramanujam

Please send private message to me if you still have any issues.