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Forum search - does it have a minimum character limit? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
A H Nov 25 '10
Seeing the comment from the moderator to browse the forum before posting questions, I tried to search for posts related to what I'm having issues with.

I typed in "ftp" in the search box (without quotes) and pressed enter and was then told there were no matches.. Problem is, on the main page, there was my post mentioning FTP in the topic (tried searching with uppercase too).

Is there a minimum character limit?
Den Team
Den Nov 25 '10
Search function was developed with Matched Against algorithm. For best performance. So, the minimum number of letters in search words must be configured in mysql settings: my.cnf=>ft_min_word_len
Rick Aug 29 '24
Hi, googleopoly.netoffers a comprehensive guide to using Google and other tools to find people online. The tips on how to use search operators and refine queries have been a game changer for me. If you need to find someone or delve into information on the Internet, this site is a must-visit.

JERRU Yesterday, 09:24AM
Creating an effective and engaging paragraph involves staying focused on a single idea and supporting it with sufficient detail common number. The opening sentence should introduce the topic clearly, while the following sentences provide explanations or examples that help illustrate the point.