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Pages "viewable to everyone" aren't. | Forum

Lisa May 4 '12

We have a concern. We have a site that is secured so that you have to log-in (or sign-up) to view any of the content.

HOWEVER... we have several pages (all our pages linked at the bottom of the site) that should be viewable to everyone (They are configured to be viewable to everyone in the "pages" section of the admin panel).


These include our privacy policy, terms of use, community guidelines, advertising information, contact us page, etc.


The ONLY one of these pages that is clickable from the JOIN page is the Terms of Use. The rest of the pages if clicked while not signed in, bring you back to the log-in page. This isn't cool as we need non-members to be able to view all this information before they sign-up.

Can someone help? I can't figure out what the problem might be.

Joseph May 4 '12
can I have your site URL?
Joseph May 4 '12
try this go to your site and in the admin panel go to /admin/permissions and make sure that on that specific page you have selected that guests can view your site
Lisa May 4 '12

No. Guests can not view my site because it is a login-access only site.


However, under /admin/pages/manage - there is the option to make pages viewable to guests, members, or "Everyone" and all the pages I'm having trouble with are edited to allow them to be viewable to "everyone".


So, you should not have to log in (as a member) to view that content.


For example: Terms of Use is working proplerly (can view it from the Join page). All the others are not working.

The Forum post is edited by Lisa May 4 '12
Joseph May 4 '12
Correct however there are 3 levels of security 1 is the level I mentioned which blocks every page other than the terms of service 2 the one you mentioned above which makes page links viewable and 3 the roles page where you can limit guest views in roles you can limit guests to only be able to see the start page and any page that's not prohibited by the guest role so at this moment you have all pages blocked and you have certain links viewable to the guest but as long as your actual site setting is private they can not view after clicking the link
Joseph May 4 '12
this is set up not to make it difficult but to pretty much offer a full scale of security options
Lisa May 4 '12

Okay. That's a problem.


I tried testing these levels of security by making the site viewable to guests in "global privacy". But kept the top-linked pages invisible to guests. I made sure that under "user roles" NOTHING was checked for guests to access. Then I logged out. The MAIN page of my site... and all content on it (newsfeed, recent forum activity, recent members, etc) was ALL visible.


This is a problem.


This is an adult access site. It NEEDS to be log-in only. But I also NEED to be able to make all the bottom-linked pages viewable to the public. This doesn't seem possible with the current levels of security available.


So the problem I am left with, is that my privacy policy, FAQ, "advertise with us" page, contact us page, etc are all NOT going to be visible until someone joins the site? I consider this to be a big gap in the security features.


Other log-in access only sites are able to make their policies and FAQs visible to guests. Oxwall should allow this too. Maybe there's another setting somewhere I'm missing?


Why is Terms of Use working properly (as in the way I need it to) but none of the others?

The Forum post is edited by Lisa May 4 '12
Joseph May 4 '12
you could move the signup page link to the first position of the top menu to avoid people landing on the page for newsfeed etc and make the signup page available to guests only for example of what this will operate like I have a site http://fantasycoven.com/ I keep it mostly private 
Lisa May 5 '12
Oh! I see now. That worked, thanks. The index page can still be crawled by search bots and is viewable if the whole site address is typed with /index after, but only if someone manually types it. So I think it'll be okay. Thanks for your help! ;)
Joseph May 5 '12
no problem and yes people could make it to that page but mostly it would be people that had already had an account and had just remembered the URL
Controversy Aug 22 '12
How do I block guest of the site from looking at photos? I seem to have everything blocked but that. If they click on a picture, the picture comes up in the page viewer. Is there a way to keep that from happening? My website is www.datenightgurus.com
Controversy Aug 22 '12
I want to be able to hide all photos from anyone whose not a member.
Michael I.
Michael I. Sep 4 '12
Looks like a problem with photos view permissions. I will submit a ticket for our developers and get back to you if I have any updates.
Michael I.
Michael I. Sep 4 '12
Oops, just checked our ticket system - the issue has been reported about a month ago and fixed, too. So, with new version of Oxwall this issue will be eliminated. But thanks for reporting anyways ;)