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Assign Group Moderator | Forum

Marc Mueller
Marc Mueller Nov 9 '15
I've been looking through the forums, but somehow couldn't find a proper answer (point me at the right direction if I missed something)...

is there a way to assign a moderator to moderate a certain group only


is there a way to assign the group owner after creating the group (to give it to an assigned moderator, for example)?

thanks in advance


The Forum post is edited by Marc Mueller Nov 9 '15
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Nov 9 '15
Don't know if this helps, but, If you have assigned certain members with moderator status, you can assign groups for them to moderate. The group owner is the member that creates the group. This could be changed in phpmyadmin by changing the user id to another member, but that may not make the creator happy since they will no longer control the group, but in the event the creator want's to step down, this could be an option to assign a new user id.
Look at .ow_groups_group in myphpadmin.
Marc Mueller
Marc Mueller Nov 9 '15
hmm...thanks for this information....so there is no way to have multiple group moderators ad all? and going to phpmyadmin always leaves a uncool feeling operating a basic site task :(
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Nov 9 '15
Not just to a group. The moderator status is global.  The only way would be to have a moderation team for the site, and assign them duties of moderating certain groups as they are created. You could post a feature request on user voice.
ross Team
ross Nov 9 '15
Darryl +1

tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 14 '15
your post is way  to complicated and way to messy to try and set moderator to actions

just make it auto set 
so say you have 3 group moderators
and on your site is 90 groups

make it auto split them 30 each 
will need a tab for for show forums for that moderator 

but then you get the problem one moderator go on holidays 
for 2 week so 30 groups not get moderated 

so much easier as it is you have 3 moderators and 90 groups
10 groups get flaged as porn or whatever

then any one of the 3 moderators of forums login and on dashboard moderator widget they can see the groups that have been flaged and do something about it

how you are try do it maybe 5 of them groups that are flaged may stay there for week until the moderator of them groups logs in 

Marc Mueller
Marc Mueller Nov 14 '15
no, it's important to have sepcific moderators that have knowledge of the groups/forums topics, so it's not making any sense to auto-assign moderators by random.

Multiple moderators for one group will avoid to have a gap in moderation in case of holidays, illness etc.

ross Team
ross Nov 15 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Scott Feb 10 '16
Why isn't this a standard function of Oxwall???  FML! 

Plugin....  anyone...  

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 10 '16
It will never be added

And it seams i stumbled on to the answer why

Thing like this are not fixed

Scott Feb 10 '16
Is there another social network platform that you can easily migrate to that doesn't have these issues? 

Preferably one that has a mobile app as an option!