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Page titles - SimpleSEO | Forum

Tecca Nov 19 '15
I didn't see it on the roadmap, but do you have plans of allowing page titles to be edited? I was thinking something like this plugin, but if that's not going to be added, I'll go ahead and purchase it: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/1204

It would just feel much cleaner using one plugin, but I can disable SimpleSEO's console menu otherwise.

SongPhi Nov 21 '15
Hi Bryan,

Thank you very much for supporting our development and nice reviews :-) 

At first, I didnt think there will be need for a page title editing function, because there are already content title editing per plugin. For example: Blog post page title can be changed by editing the blog post's title.

I could see now there would be cases that the page title and content's title would be different. So, I will implement the title editing function in next release.



Tecca Nov 21 '15
Awesome, sounds great. I didn't think it was needed at first either until I saw that plugin, and noticed some pages have standard titles like "Site name - social networking." Which of course is pretty terrible. I went ahead and purchased his plugin, it's pretty nice! I don't mind supporting some of the devs here, you guys deserve it.

EDIT: And while I'm not trying to make your Simple SEO plugin complicated, have you also considered canonical links for this plugin? I know that you can choose to redirect the old URLs, but I do think it may come in handy in certain instances.

For instance, if you are not redirecting the old URLs, users are able to access a topic, blog post, etc, from two URLs:



This is normally bad, unless you add a canonical URL to point one to the other, which would be the rewritten URL. So now you have a shorter link that you can share on social networks without a long link and without using a URL shortener. This also does not negatively affect SEO with "duplicate content."

It's also good in the case of which plugin is the home page: if the blogs plugin is set as the home page, you have both your index (example.com) and your blogs URL (example.com/blogs) that are duplicating each other. I don't believe Oxwall natively addresses this issue.

The Forum post is edited by Tecca Nov 21 '15
SongPhi Nov 21 '15
Dear Bryan,

I think the canonical link would be handy and easy to implement, so it will be sure to be included in future release.

Regarding pointing one plugin to be a home page situation, I have not yet think of it, maybe canonical links are not enough for this case. I don't know if Oxwall has been designed for this type of usage. Anyway, I will put more thought on this matter.

Tecca Nov 21 '15
Sounds great. Thanks for the consideration.
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