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Facebook Connect problem for many users | Forum

Simon Nov 27 '15
Hello some users have facebook connect problem and I see a lots of user on this page :


But facebook connect dosen't wortk for them, return error or whtite screen on mobile or deskstop.

For me and the rest of users no problem. But I think is 50% ok 50% errors so I lost a lot of memebrs inscriptions actually.

How to really test Facebook connect please ?
What is exactlly this url 
......./join?code=4YvuSa7Y6yby3y9aDuje ?

Thank you.
The Forum post is edited by Simon Nov 27 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 27 '15
sometime if you try use the admin account of your facebook api 
it will show errors only to the api admin
if that shows no errprs 
then try login to reproduce the error then look at error logs may give you pointers as to whats going wrong

also a 3rd party plugin could be conflict with it try disable them and see if error stops

Simon Nov 27 '15
hello thanks for you help.

1/ You whant to sy i must lokk in my facebook developper account ?
2/Where can i find the error logs file please ?

:) thank you for your help because I just starting nox and this is a big trouble for me her/


Simon Nov 27 '15
Here the is my plugin list I have the minimum

Activity notifications
Real-time and email notifications about site activity
Blogs User blogs with archives, tags, comments and rates
Cache Extreme Clear the cache while not in DEV-mode
Contact Us "Contact us" page with the ability to choose departments (email addresses)
Contact Importer Import Facebook, Google contacts
Events Create public and private events within your community, let people RSVP and discuss
Forum Simple discussion boards for users
Facebook Connect Allow users to join, sign in, and synchronize profile info using their Facebook accounts
Friends Friending functionality to be used across multiple features
Google Maps Location This plugin allows users to add their location in profile details. Plugin compatible with oxwall 1.7.3 and upper
Groups Simple groups within one site
Google Analytics Track your site visitor statistics with Google Analytics
Image Slideshow Image Slideshow
Messages Unified messaging plugin for private on-site communication
Newsfeed Newsfeed with likes and comments, Facebook-style
Photo Allow users to upload photos with tags, rates, and comments
Video Allow users to embed videos with comments, rates, and tags
Simon Nov 27 '15
and here is my API erro Tab and there is no errors :(

Simon Nov 27 '15
but just seven "Call" registered and more than 7 people try to use it today I think 30 or 40 people try it today.

Simon Nov 27 '15
and here are my app settings. Are thez correct ?

Simon Nov 28 '15
Ok Tammy thankk you I will try to make a test facebook account to see exactly.
Thank you

And after is in my facebook app i must look or in Oxwall to show errors ?
DeFender Nov 28 '15
show advanced tab 
The Forum post is edited by DeFender Nov 28 '15
Simon Nov 28 '15
Here it is you think something is wrong ?

DeFender Nov 28 '15


Simon Nov 28 '15

My site is on : club.wagen-connection.fr

What must I put exactly for url here ?
DeFender Nov 28 '15
Simon Nov 28 '15
ok I will try this. thank you
The Forum post is edited by Simon Nov 28 '15
Simon Nov 28 '15
Thank you
that's it I did . The Warning message disappeared.
There are also other parameters is what to edit ?
Do you have what exactly is this configuration because Oxwall
do not talk anywhere.
The Forum post is edited by Simon Nov 28 '15
DeFender Nov 28 '15
I have connected to your site via FB , it is working.
Simon Nov 28 '15
Yes thank you. That's very nice . Yes it works but there are
also concerns for some users. Not for everyone. ON Iphone 5 for
example there have been problems and also on some computers .
DeFender Nov 28 '15
try login from devices enabled (advanced)
Simon Nov 28 '15
ok I have activate this :)
Simon Nov 28 '15
I will wait any users feedback now.....thank you for your help
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