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showing floatbox | Forum

Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Nov 28 '15
i want to add a floatbox for every visit on the dashboard
ross Team
ross Nov 29 '15
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Dnyan Dec 1 '15
i am getting disappointed by reading post here for max there are reply like topic was moved.

and for some if there are replies they are not useful.

very few threads are useful which is making my opinion towards oxwall as stated below.

Oxwall have good base script.

there is no developer for modification.

no help to anyone for there doubts as there is no competent developer here.

final conclusion.

even though its initial impression is great, when you try to make it colorful / customising to your needs there is nothing more crappy / bad / worst script than oxwall.

i m giving up after almost a month of search in all thread for all kind of help,
the store is full of crappy plugin, there developer only make money and wont provide support.

its fully a crappy thing which i came to understand after doing full study for the whole month.

Oxwall is badest software which i ever installed due to no support plugins blah blah blah things to make it beutiful.

good bye oxwall
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs

Quote from Dnyan i am getting disappointed by reading post here for max there are reply like topic was moved.

and for some if there are replies they are not useful.

very few threads are useful which is making my opinion towards oxwall as stated below.

Oxwall have good base script.

there is no developer for modification.

no help to anyone for there doubts as there is no competent developer here.

final conclusion.

even though its initial impression is great, when you try to make it colorful / customising to your needs there is nothing more crappy / bad / worst script than oxwall.

i m giving up after almost a month of search in all thread for all kind of help,
the store is full of crappy plugin, there developer only make money and wont provide support.

its fully a crappy thing which i came to understand after doing full study for the whole month.

Oxwall is badest software which i ever installed due to no support plugins blah blah blah things to make it beutiful.

good bye oxwall
Prepare to be surprised once again :)
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs

Quote from Alec Steven i want to add a floatbox for every visit on the dashboard

I'm going to sleep now. When I wake up in the morning I will take you through Floatbox101.

Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Dec 5 '15
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Here we go! First you will have to modify the dashboard page by downloading and editing ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php from line 159.

//Add some Javascrtip for float box.

$script = "

window.fooFloatBox = new OW_FloatBox({\$title:'Some Floatbox Title here', \$contents: 'Some contents here', width: '550px'});




Pay good attention to the bold areas.

The Forum post is edited by Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs Dec 6 '15
Jordi Dec 6 '15
and then ? and what to fill on fooFloatbox? 
Jordi Dec 6 '15
Wow its working! 
Jordi Dec 6 '15
can you do this also fot one time per session? instead for every visit on the dashboard?
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs

Quote from Jordi can you do this also fot one time per session? instead for every visit on the dashboard?
Sure, I can do that but the real question will be if I'm willing to do it :)
Jordi Dec 6 '15
haha yes it is! but i hope so! haha
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Good you saw the funny part... Now, this will do the magic - hopefully!

$script = "

//Check if user has been here in the last 365 days


setcookie('visited_already' , 'true' , time()+60*60*24*7*365);

//If not, popup some contents and mark this user as visited for the next 365 days.


window.fooFloatBox = new OW_FloatBox({\$title:'Some Floatbox Title here', \$contents: 'Some contents here', width: '550px'});




As usual, pay attention to the bold areas.

The Forum post is edited by Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs Dec 6 '15
Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Dec 6 '15
Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Dec 6 '15

Quote from Ebenezer Obasi Here we go! First you will have to modify the dashboard page by downloading and editing ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php from line 159.

//Add some Javascrtip for float box.

$script = "

window.fooFloatBox = new OW_FloatBox({\$title:'Some Floatbox Title here', \$contents: 'Some contents here', width: '550px'});




Pay good attention to the bold areas.

does "Some contents here" appears only on text? or can i have it in html form?
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs

Quote from Alec Steven
Quote from Ebenezer Obasi Here we go! First you will have to modify the dashboard page by downloading and editing ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php from line 159.

//Add some Javascrtip for float box.

$script = "

window.fooFloatBox = new OW_FloatBox({\$title:'Some Floatbox Title here', \$contents: 'Some contents here', width: '550px'});




Pay good attention to the bold areas.

does "Some contents here" appears only on text? or can i have it in html form?

Quote from Jordi and then ? and what to fill on fooFloatbox? 
Everything you need to know, all your questions, answered here http://www.eobasi.com/how-to-add-floatbox-cute-popup-on-oxwall
The Forum post is edited by Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs May 8 '18
Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Dec 7 '15
nc new tutorial :)
Jordi Dec 7 '15
Very Very nice!
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Thanks all. Glad you like it :)
IntrigU Aug 18 '16

Quote from Ebenezer Obasi
Quote from Jordi can you do this also fot one time per session? instead for every visit on the dashboard?
Sure, I can do that but the real question will be if I'm willing to do it :)

Instead of customizing core files, you could use a third party float box. All you need to do is add a line of javascript via admin console page settings: Custom tail code.

I tried a few of those and HelloBar worked best for me. P.s. it does once per session pop-ups among a few other things.

The Forum post is edited by IntrigU Aug 18 '16
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