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Suggestion - Extended Questions | Forum

Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin May 13 '12
Feel free to post suggestions here.
samuel jackson
samuel jackson May 14 '12
Thank you fro this perfect plugin, you are my favorite programmer :)

now my suggetion:

it will be great, when we can add our video clips and not just embed viedeo from youtube.

sorry for my english.

Filip Jun 16 '12
When you can invite friends to answer the question, you see only 100 friends... Can you fix this? :)
Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Jun 18 '12
This limitation will be removed in the next update
jeo Jul 22 '12
Can you also add the feature so admin can ask all users a question please? thanks
Alex Philipp
Alex Philipp Oct 25 '12
Is it possible to add this widget for custom pages (made by myself through admin panel)? 
Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Oct 25 '12
Alex Philipp,

Unfortunately, It is not possible for now. You can not add widgets to a custom page, but Oxwall Foundation plans to update the "Custom Pages" system to make it possible for admins to add widgets. The feature should be released in one of the upcoming builds/updates.
Alex Philipp
Alex Philipp Oct 25 '12
Ok, thank you for detailed answer!

Hope, Serj, you will make many super_puper plugins like this!

DavidZenry Mar 27 '13
Would be useful if polls could be added to forum topics too.
Alex Philipp
Alex Philipp May 16 '13
Would be wonderful to add questions on google maps, So users can see what interesting is going on near them on interactive maps..,
D.S May 20 '13
Quote from DavidZenry Would be useful if polls could be added to forum topics too.

forum and groups 

maybe remove question to ask to our friend ? (maybe it's just because i'm admin)

S. Bourdon
S. Bourdon Jun 16 '13


I would like to buy your Extended Questions/Polls plugin to use it as wishlists.

But to use it as wishlists, modifications would be necessary:

- Owner of the wishlist (poll) should not be able to see who selected what

That should be true on the Newsfeed, Profile, Notifications...

Would that be possible?

If so, could you tell me how much you would charge for this kind of modification?

Maybe a simple option in the plugin's configuration page to "Use this plugin for wishlists" could hide all answers/comments to the user who created the wishlist?  Therefore, your plugin could be used for 2 different purposes!

Thank you very much for your time and hope to hear from you soon!

Abbey Jul 5 '13
I noticed when a user is deleted it doesn't remove their answers/votes/presence etc from the polls/questions..... is there a way to fix this?
Jin Lem
Jin Lem Sep 25 '13
I have a suggestion/request. I would love to make a picture poll but right now it's only possible with 1 picture per poll. Is it possible to make it so a poll can include multiple pictures? Also I am not able to find a way to edit an existing poll question with out recreating it. Is it possible to edit a poll question with out remaking it?

Anyways thanks for making this plugin.

Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Sep 25 '13

It is quite complicated feature, I will try to implement it in the future updates, thank you for the suggestion.

Concerning the ability to edit question - you can not edit a question, you should recreate it.


tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 17 '13
when this plugin hs the add 2 pics to a question i will get it any time frame on adding the feature
Kenneth Jan 14 '14
Do you know if you can add polls to the forums or is this a feature you won't be doing?
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 5 '14
I also would like to see a picture poll, showing 2 or 3 and having the users choose their favorite. Glad that somebody already mentioned it here. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 5 '14
heres a free facebook photo poll script i use and iframe into my site 
i have ask just about every developer here to make this into a plugin and well is just to hard for them and i even had developers on freelancer bid $800 to do it but they run away quick on looking at how oxwall script works 
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 2 '14


I am missing the function to CLOSE a poll without deleting it. For example one can ask who will win the FIFA world championship. When the World cup is over I now have to delete the poll - otherwise people can still "vote" though the result is already known.

Admin (or poll owner) should be able to CLOSE the poll, so that no votes are possible but the poll being still visible!

This feature missing keeps me from buying... I still run the free version

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