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Here's how to remove periods (.) from URLs - Blogger Pro | Forum

Tecca Dec 19 '15
Here we go, for those that might not want periods in the URL. It can look a bit ugly. Keep in mind that periods are okay to have, it's a matter of preference.

Example blog title:

Hello, this is a blog post...

The URL would end up being: 


To make the URL nicer, like this:


Open up the file /var/www/beardprofile.com/public_html/ow_plugins/blogger/bol/service.php

Replace line 2755, with:



So you're removing one line and replacing it with two. Keep in mind that you need to keep note of this change should the plugin be updated in the future, as a new version will overwrite your changes. I always keep a file that notes any core or plugin changes I've made. 

Tecca Dec 21 '15
This was added in the latest update. Thanks, Aron! One less thing to keep track of when updating plugins.
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