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Registration Erros | Forum

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Dec 22 '15

While trying to register a profile I am getting a null error, keep in mind I removed this below in the join_html.php file to not allow users to select account specific type

    //{if $displayAccountType==true}            {cycle assign='alt' values='ow_alt1,ow_alt2'}            <tr class=" ow_tr_first ow_tr_last">                <td class="{$alt} ow_label">                    {label name='accountType'}                </td>                <td class="{$alt} ow_value ow_center">                    {input name='accountType'}                    <div style="height:1px;"></div>                    {error name='accountType'}                </td>                <td class="{$alt} ow_desc">                    {question_description_lang name="accountType"}                </td>            </tr>            <tr class="ow_tr_delimiter"><td></td></tr>            {/if}//

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 22 '15
put it back in and see if theres still error 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Dec 22 '15
I'll put it back in and check, however I need that portion removed in order for paid memberships to work properly
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Dec 22 '15
I've done this before and had no issues.
ross Team
ross Dec 22 '15
Please revert the changes you did and see if the issue persists as we do not provide assistance with the customized software
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Aqsa Bibi
Aqsa Bibi Aug 10 '24
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The null error you're encountering during profile registration could be linked to the removal of the account-specific type field in your `join_html.php` file. This adjustment might be causing issues in the backend that weren't fully accounted for. To resolve this, consider implementing AI solutions to intelligently handle missing data or automatically assign default values. This way, the registration process can proceed smoothly without requiring user input for the removed field. Let us know if you need further assistance!AI solutions
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