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Aerialplusplus Logo Size | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Suzanne May 17 '12

I have installed the Aerialplusplus theme and adjusted the CSS code so that the logo can be larger:

.ow_header .ow_logo{  
float: left;   
margin: 150px 0 0 0px;   
background-image:url('images/logo.png'background-repeat: no-repeat;   
width: 500px;   
height: 100px;}

.ow_header .ow_logo h2{   

.ow_header .ow_logo .ow_tagline{   


This works fine in Internet Explorer but can only see a small part of the logo in Firefox, as if it hasn't taken inthe change of width and height. Please help me fix this!

Michael I.
Michael I. May 18 '12
Topic was moved from General Questions.