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Using HTML in blog plugin | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Steve May 19 '12
Is there any way I can use literal HTML in the editor provided by this plugin?
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad May 19 '12
Click the HTML button on WYSIWYG
Steve May 19 '12
What HTML button? The only buttons I see are bold, italic, underline, link, more, insert picture, insert video.
Mark May 19 '12
this one

Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad May 19 '12
u not see HTML Button?

Quote from Steve What HTML button? The only buttons I see are bold, italic, underline, link, more, insert picture, insert video.

Steve May 20 '12

Steve May 20 '12
ow_version.xnl shows:

<name>Oxwall community software</name>
Mark May 20 '12
you need to enable HTML in blog posts, its under admin>settings>user settings>content input you need to untick disable custom HTML

should be on yoursite.com/admin/settings/user-input