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OffSet Images | Forum

Vinny May 19 '12
As I was learning the software I noticed that the avatars are offset from thier descriptions?
  Offset Images.png (197.45Kb)
Michael I.
Michael I. May 21 '12
What browser do you use? It actually works properly, find a screenshot attached.
  offset.png (210.61Kb)
Vinny May 21 '12

Quote from aka_le_Mulder
What browser do you use? It actually works properly, find a screenshot attached.

Hi aka_le_Mulder


   Ahhh I see, I was using IE.  I design website and have the same problem sometimes.  Is there a fix or workaround for this problem, yes I know its IE's problem but are you guys maybe finding a fix??




Michael I.
Michael I. May 23 '12
This issue was reported for IE9 long time ago and was fixed. Are you using the latest build?
Vinny May 24 '12

Hi aka_le_Mulder


   I think im at the latest build? my site is showing Platform version 1.3.2 (build 4890) I just did the update and if this is the latest buils that the images are still off set?



Mark May 24 '12
have you updated the themes too? try clearing cache as well as your browser may still be reading the old CSS file that controls the page display