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CPU Usage and Hits | Forum

Jennifer May 21 '12
So I'm new to Oxwall but I'm very impressed that it has all of the features I want without much digging on my part (or for that sense creation on my part) and all of it's features are decent and fit my needs for the most part but I'm having an issue here.

Since I installed it my CPU usage jumped from 8% to an average of 80% which to me is a little ridiculous so I've been trying to figure out what it is. Well I've got AWstats that is a bit new to me and so I just got my first bit of data from it. My site is reading that I've had almost 70K hits today just from me. Now I don't want to be the bearer of OMG that's not true but seriously I could refresh my page enough to get that even if I had multiple tabs open with an auto refresh going every couple of minutes.

Now I will say I'm the only registered user but I get hits from other sources as this site used to be on a forum but I've been looking to change it up but my IP alone getting almost 70K hits means there is something wrong.

Now most of these hits appeared to come from the admin portion and an incorrect folder of (/ajaxim/action/bind/)which could be part of the problem it looks like it's for auto AJAX refreshes. Now one of the first things I turned off, which I actually turned off last night, was the chat. It's an unnecessary part of the site that I will enable if I ever feel like upgrading.

Now this worries me, if this keeps up when I re-open the site it will certainly lag out and get slower and I don't want to hear about hosting because my hosting is capable of running this service the problem is somewhere in the scripting itself.

If you want to look at it:
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Using cron every minute can take up the server resource too. Try to do a research on this view too.
Mark May 22 '12
what ive noticed with oxwall is when you first install or when your first perform an upgrade it can be quite server intense, after a while as your servers php op cache kicks in (if you have not already install something like xcache) and as oxwalls internal cache kicks in things begin to smooth out. You should also enable GZIP compression and leverage browser caching.

I would recommend increasing the default mysql, apache and php values in their respective config files also

Jennifer May 22 '12

Quote from Purusothaman Ramanujam Using cron every minute can take up the server resource too. Try to do a research on this view too.
I have already looked into this reducing it and the amount didn't change even partially.

Quote from Mark what ive noticed with oxwall is when you first install or when your first perform an upgrade it can be quite server intense, after a while as your servers php op cache kicks in (if you have not already install something like xcache) and as oxwalls internal cache kicks in things begin to smooth out. You should also enable GZIP compression and leverage browser caching.

I would recommend increasing the default mysql, apache and php values in their respective config files also

Okay, for the caching and whatnot where or what would I be looking for. I can certainly look into GZIP and caching as long as setting wise for oxwall I am looking for the right thing. Much appreciated for this.
Mark May 22 '12
GZIP will reduce the overall page size by about 60%

Leverage browser caching tells the visitors browser to download images and javascript files rather then having to download them from the site on each and every visit.

xcache > http://xcache.lighttpd.net/

Michael I.
Michael I. May 23 '12
Jennifer, how many members you have? What are your server capabilities?
Joseph May 28 '12
I have this same issue honestly wondering when oxwall will come out with some optimization plugins for higher traffic sites I have around 20 or more online users usually and i am almost maxing out my server and I kept crashing my vps so I had to return to a high end shared host to help make sure I would not experience site crashes its getting ridiculous I talked to a admin here they suggested my page size is high but I am not sure how to lower the sizing of my index and dashboard pages
Mark May 29 '12
Quote from Joseph I I am not sure how to lower the sizing of my index and dashboard pages

Have you minified your files? usually plugins load extra js/css files all that can be shrunk by about 20-40%, also make sure that all images that your theme uses are compressed and optimised.

I would also recommend enabling GZIP compression and leverage browser caching (http://markelse.com/articles/)

Joseph May 29 '12
I have went back t shared hosting vps was just not fr me but gzip and most of that should be enabled I have also enabled compression of all files and I tried minified files they turned out to lose important pieces I did however uninstall all instant messaging and now my sites a lot better I will need to use an external server fr my messaging but of course oxwall is not gonna release the info on how they set up jabber servers for wall and xitti
Mark May 29 '12
out of curiosity what vps did you have?
Joseph May 29 '12
I had vps pro from arvixe i started with regular vps but it crashed every hour they suggested upgrading so i did and same thing just less often what got me is while, monitoring my vps it would not actually max out and the next second it would just be down so so far I am unsure but I am happy to maintain up time my hits have suffered a major blow from all this maybe I should have stayed at xitti after all honestly its hard t find proper servers
Peter May 29 '12

Try routing your site through CloudFlare

Turn on its compression (disable it on your server by removing / commenting out the gzip lines in .htaccess), and enable all its other compression and caching features.  It will dramatically reduces the resources on your server  ... and really speed up your page loads.

Example of one of my sites running on a very heavily loaded shared server using CloudFlare:


The Forum post is edited by Peter May 29 '12
Mark May 30 '12
Quote from Joseph I had vps pro from arvixe i started with regular vps but it crashed every hour they suggested upgrading so i did and same thing just less often what got me is while, monitoring my vps it would not actually max out and the next second it would just be down so so far I am unsure but I am happy to maintain up time my hits have suffered a major blow from all this maybe I should have stayed at xitti after all honestly its hard t find proper servers
that offers the same kind of specs that I have at servint. (not sure what hardware arvixe use tho).

it could have been caused by your vps reaching its max http connections or max mysql connections did you try tweaking either of these?

Amanda Feb 17 '13
Can anyone help me with a problem with my hosting server thank I got this in my E-Mail Extremely high MySQL utilization and my hosting was suspend for it
Alia Team
Alia Feb 20 '13
Amanda, can  you ask your hosting company to provide you with more detailed report? Which processes exactly have overloaded MySQL?
James Hart
James Hart Jun 27 '13
It appears this thread has died.. but I'd like to revive it if I may...

I'm about to send out a mass notice to about 600 people to come sign up on my oxwall installation.  I'm running it on a vps with 4 gigs of ram allocated and 12 virtual cpus.  I'm thinking that should be enough?  Currently about 1 gig in use.  Can you tell me what kind of tweaks I should make to apache config and mysql?

I've currently got this in the /etc/my.cnf file:








and in apache...

Timeout 300

TraceEnable Off

ServerSignature Off

ServerTokens ProductOnly

FileETag None

StartServers 5

<IfModule prefork.c>

MinSpareServers 5

MaxSpareServers 10


ServerLimit 256

MaxClients 150

MaxRequestsPerChild 10000

KeepAlive On

KeepAliveTimeout 5

MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

I've also got Cloudflare enabled.  I turned "rocketloader" off due to its quirkiness with javascript.

in php.ini

zlib.output_compression = On

Should these be adjusted?


The Forum post is edited by James Hart Jun 27 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jul 1 '13
James, what you have should be more then enough for 600 emails.

Please note that mail servers has their own limits of emails sent per minute/per hour ( otherwise you will be blocked as spammer).

Also Oxwall sends max. 50 emails every time Cron runs. So find out what are your limits on your mail server and set your CRON so that you don't reach it.

Cron needs to run 12 times to send 600 emails.
So set frequency of your Cron to fit into the limits of your mail server per hour/minute.
James Hart
James Hart Jul 1 '13

Oh, email is not a problem at all.  I control that environment completely.  I am concerned of cpu and ram and how many concurrent users can be supported.  Should I modify any of those server variables in the my.cnf, httpd.conf or php.ini ?  What does an "optimized" vps look like for maximum concurrent users?
