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How to edit the menu | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad May 23 '12
How to edit the menu, see my picture:

Mark May 23 '12
do you mean the wording or so that you can add your own menu items in?

Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad May 23 '12
how do I add a menu like the picture above?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I guess Adhy is asking about adding a new Tab.
Mark May 24 '12
then he needs to be more specific when asking questions.

I believe that it is controlled by the following file


however its not tested so backup, remember to clear cache and any changes made will be removed by future software updates.

Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad May 24 '12
I can not do that? whether to add a span code?

<span><a href="link">test</a></span>

Mark May 24 '12
what is it you want to do?

you need to provide more details when you post questions!