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SMTP problem with gmail | Forum

Silvio Jan 17 '16
I've read other posts and documentation and i would like to set gmail as smtp server but if i configure

smtp.gmail.com with 587 port and TLS security

Account@gmail.com and the correct password (i've tested it)

I received a message that the oxwall app is not trusted by gmail... not a problem. I've enabled access to less secure appliance (it worked for other websites with other cms) but when i do the test it continues to say that authentication is failed.

I've checked again gmail and the access to the less secure appliance is still turned on.

Any idea?
ross Team
ross Jan 19 '16
Silvio, something is wrong on your side. See screenshots, I tried both on my test website and our demo. 
Silvio Jan 19 '16
i will test again this evening but consider that on the same vps i've 2 WP websites where i use WP mail bank (on one) and WP easy smtp, plus a newsletter plugin that support smtp configuration. They work without problems... but i will do a check with one of the emails i'm using on the other websites just to test it again and let u know
Silvio Jan 19 '16
ok seems you are right... i've done the test with the wp emails and it says "success" . Just another question. I've read success but no email received (checked in spam folder too). it is normal?
ross Team
ross Jan 20 '16
what smtp is that?
Silvio Feb 13 '16
Sorry for late answering but i did not have time to get back to this old problem. Finally i've resolved the smtp auth error. The fight was not in the configuration in oxwall but in gmail. To let a gmail account work you must:
Enable less secure app in gmail account
and you must do also this second step: https://accounts.google.com/displayunlockcaptcha (you must me logged in the web page of your gmail account before click to this link)

after this.. you have to wait like 10 minutes and you could use it on oxwall.

Hope this solution will help people that had my same problem.

Thank you Ross as always
ross Team
ross Feb 13 '16
Great, thanks for letting us know. 
beyondherd Mar 25 '24
Facing the same issue with my gmail. I am actually facing this issue with gmail of my webpage Appliance Repair Victoria Park. Let me know if your issue is solved. Thanks
Alex Jones
Alex Jones Oct 9 '24
A celebration of exploration, eco-friendly values, and elegant textiles, Là Fuori brings together a global community of 'creative nomads' committed to promoting and protecting artisanal craftsmanship. La Fuori