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please fix this stuff up | Forum

tammy harris
tammy harris Jan 21 '16
my plugin will not work right due to the stupid oxwall url rewrites

please fix this stuff up 

if i put this url in my plugin admin


oxwall changes it to 


i have reported this problem in rss feed widgets long time ago

can it please be fixed 

or at lease post here how to turn the stupid rewrite off 
untill the project manager deams this huge problem as big enough to fix

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jan 21 '16
ross Team
ross Jan 24 '16
The issue has been already reported about https rewrite, it will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates. Please be patient. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jan 24 '16
i was told this almost 12 months ago at i think 1.7  or was it 1.6 when the problem started 

can you please tell us what to change or comment out to fix this 
the problem is to huge to wait another 12 months for it to be fixed 
JoshWho Jan 24 '16
I agree it has messed up alot of things I have on my site. I can't use schema properly, I cant have rss news feeds that are not ssl any more, when users share links it forces ssl and breaks them. This has even messed up a lot of games i have on there. This is very bad and it is making my site look not professional at all. Please have the devs find a quick temp fix that will work until they can patch it.
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Jan 24 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Jan 24 '16
i am shore it was 1.6 when everything got stuffed up and i showed tessa the hug fup 

and was marked as a huge fup and to be fixed straight away 

but there fix was to just fix part of it and make inviter plugin work around the fup
tammy harris
tammy harris Jan 24 '16
oooo and look at the huge mess with ombeded 

i showed you long time ago that oxwall was stuff up and only use a tiny part of the original script
just enough so it sort of works

and i was told to piss off and pay someone to fix the fup

JoshWho Jan 28 '16
So is there any quick solution to this I can apply? I would like to fix a lot of my games.
ross Team
ross Feb 14 '16
this will be fixed asap, the issue is reported to the devs
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 15 '16
The problem was reported and marked to be fixed asap way back at 1.6 lol so whats the news
ross Team
ross Feb 15 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
ross Team
ross Feb 15 '16
the issue will be fixed as soon as possible
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 15 '16
is so important i have my finger and toes and eyes crossed

the rewrites making so bad seo
and oxwall already so bad seo my site started dieing
bad seo formatted emails 
now with mails not being sent its got the point that if things are not fixed 
and more and more problems keep being generated 
oxwall is becoming not viable for anyone to use 

its just to much things for one script to have wrong with it 

add everything up and is way pasted shocking 
Unus Mar 14 '16

Quote from ross this will be fixed asap, the issue is reported to the devs

hi Ross, can you please be more specific what "asap" means? is it going to be this month? next quarter? next year?

thank you

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 14 '16
are you crazy everyone knows asap means sometime in the next ten years lol
ross Team
ross Mar 23 '16
Hitch +1
Brandon Mar 24 '16
Send your inquiry to the developers, I think they will have to help.
ross Team
ross Mar 25 '16
Brandon, the issue has been already fixed. 
Quote from Hitch Wonderful ... This looks like it has been fixed now in 1.8.2 !!

We posted external link (non https) in newsfeed and it works fine, 

also RSS feeds are working (with photos) from http sites :-)

We already released 1.8.2
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 25 '16
Unus Mar 29 '16
are you allowing your users to comment on photos, or blog, or events?

if yes, then log in to your site as a test user, and comment on any of the topics by writing in the comment an URL with not https:// ;

submit the comment

and then re-load the page with the topic for which you submitted the comment.

can you see the security error the browse is showing saying your page is not safe or not?

Quote from Chris_W +1 finally have the whole of my sites working with SSL and no errors!

Now just the image alt tags to fix, and we can really start cooking :)

Unus Apr 5 '16
ok, that's why you do not experience any https/http problems. you would if you open the comments from you users (just so you'll be aware of that).
Quote from Chris_W
No, non of the sites I have are open to register members, they are viewable by all, they have no ability for anyone to comment on anything. But the update fixed other SSL issues I had.
Quote from Unus are you allowing your users to comment on photos, or blog, or events?

Kelsey Radley
Kelsey Radley Oct 15 '23
Forward your query to the retro bowl unblocked 76 developers; I believe they must be able to assist. 
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