Hello DoctorsLibrary!
Quote from DoctorsLibrary
1) How many user OXWALL can handle in one time?
This depends from your hosting power. During the all process of development we try to minimize script loading on every page/feature.
I will let myself to share with you some details. Wall.fm - which works on oxwall, has more then 30 thousands networks and it works only on one dedicated server with 4Gb RAM :) But it has a good optimization done.
Quote from DoctorsLibrary
2) Does OXWALL crash under heavy duty?
Hmm... how can I answer on this question? :) Ofcourse yes as other PHP script. Monitor your server loading, optimize Frontend, use nginx, memcache, eaccelerator and other tools for minimize server loading.
Quote from DoctorsLibrary
3) Is there any vBulletin or other known forum script integrator in OXWALL (NOT important)
Currently No. We have only our native forum plugin, which we use here.
Quote from DoctorsLibrary
4) Is OXWALL theme support RTL language?
Yes, it is.
Let me know if you have more questions.